Privacy Policy

The protection of your personal data is a matter that we take extremely seriously. PAM Insight Limited ("PAM Insight") has developed this Privacy Policy for the benefit of the Users (also referred to herein as "you") of its web site (the "Site"), to demonstrate our serious commitment to protecting your privacy on this Site. The following information summarises PAM Insight's personal data gathering and distribution practices for this Site.


PAM Insight is committed to maintaining a secure platform for your information to protect your personal data. We continuously monitor and review our security policies, so as to provide our Users only the most secure and trustworthy environment available.

Your Security on this Site

Security of your personal information is of paramount importance to PAM Insight. We recognise the sensitivity of the information being passed through our Site and we realise the need for stringent controls with regards to privacy and security. Therefore, we have implemented a number of measures to ensure the integrity of our Users' identity and information.

First and foremost, access to information contained in the Site is controlled by User registration. Next, we employ system level data password protection. This protects customer sensitive data that is stored on our servers. Finally, PAM Insight is committed to maintaining a secure platform for holding your information at all times. We continuously monitor and review our security policies, so as to keep up-to-date with the latest cyber threats and to provide you with only the most secure and trustworthy environment available.

Searches and other transactions that you perform through the Site

PAM Insight recognises the highly sensitive and proprietary nature of information that is gathered for transaction purposes on this Site. Personal information that you provide is never provided to prospective private asset managers, or advisers ("Managers") unless you have specified that you wish the particular Manager to make contact via telephone, email, post or PAMsearch. Access to documentation and information stored as a result of an ongoing or completed transaction is restricted to you as the User who initiated that transaction. By virtue of our multi-layer encryption standards, PAM Insight provides you with a secure environment, where transaction information is protected from unauthorised access. In addition, access to this information by PAM Insight personnel is limited to only those individuals whose access is required for operational purposes and who have signed up to our strict non-disclosure and data protection provisions.

Why does PAM Insight need my personal information?

The Select a Private Asset Manager section of the Site is specifically designed to provide you with a personalised selection of Managers that potentially match your personal circumstances and requirements. This section can only work with the collection of this relevant information.

Equally, in order to provide our Users with a more personalised and relevant service, PAM Insight regularly makes improvements to this Site. The collection of anonymised data assists PAM Insight in this improvement process, by identifying the interests and needs of the many Users of this Site without identifying individual Users. Data collection also assists PAM Insight by allowing it to show products and/or services in a more efficient manner. PAM Insight may use the technical and reference information it collects, in aggregate or individual form, for the following purposes:

  • Content Improvement
  • Product Development
  • Promotion
  • Technical Support
  • Order Processing
  • Customer Support
  • Site Customisation
  • Marketing
  • Statistical Analysis

Although PAM Insight's primary goal in collecting personal information is to deliver a customised and personalised service to Registered Subscribers, Registered Users, and Users and to provide them with an efficient means to reach relevant Managers, PAM Insight also uses the personal information it collects to send Users E-mail notification of new features or information available through the Site, and other information that PAM Insight feels might be of interest to Users of this Site, based on their historic use of the Site. PAM Insight also collects IP addresses, or the location of your computer on the Internet, to protect against unauthorised access, for systems administration and troubleshooting purposes and to provide aggregate data to Managers and advertisers.

How and what information does PAM Insight gather or track?

Through the use of "cookies" (as described below) and on-line data entry, survey, and registration forms, PAM Insight may collect and/or monitor, in aggregate and individual form, personal identifying facts or data on, among other things, the following information.

  • Technical Information
  • Home Server
  • Domain Address
  • E-Mail Address
  • Reference Information
  • Name
  • Mailing Address
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Login & Password

PAM Insight gathers most of the personal information it collects on its Users during the initial registration process. Although most of the personal identifying information is necessary for PAM Insight to deliver its services, as indicated on the on-line registration form, some of the information collected is optional with respect to use of this Site. Accordingly, Users generally determine for themselves what information they wish to submit on a voluntary basis to PAM Insight.

In addition to the initial registration process, PAM Insight occasionally asks Users for personal information at other times, including when they complete optional survey forms, or fill out optional contact forms for additional information on particular products and services.


A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent from a web site and stored on your computer's hard drive, or temporarily in your computer's memory. PAM Insight may place and store Internet cookies on your hard drive. Cookies can save any of the types of information noted above. When you revisit this Site, PAM Insight can recognise you by this Internet cookie and customise your experience of this Site accordingly. Thus, PAM Insight uses cookies to recognise your access privileges to the Site, customise and personalise your experience on this Site, track aggregate Site usage and traffic patterns and estimate this Site's audience size. PAM Insight also uses cookies to store the User name and password that you supply at registration. If PAM Insight utilises cookies in connection with the collection of information for third-parties, i.e., advertisers, the relevant advertiser(s) may only receive electronic notification of when a User views the advertisement.

The use of cookies is now an industry standard, and you will find them used on most major web sites. Although most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, you can decline the placement of a cookie on your hard drive by using the appropriate feature(s) of your web browser software (if available) to delete the cookie. Users should understand, however, that most features of this Site cannot be accessed if the web browser will not accept cookies.

Does PAM Insight disclose personal information to third-parties?

PAM Insight does not disclose your personal information to any third parties, except with your specific consent as referred to above. PAM Insight will not sell, rent or give away any personal data related to your individual or transactional information. However, PAM Insight does disclose to third-parties publicly available, or volunteered technical, demographic, or reference information, but only in aggregate statistical form. Personal demographic information assists managers on this Site in providing relevant information about their products or services to Users who have requested contact. PAM Insight deals only with Managers offering products or services which, in PAM Insight's sole judgment, may be of interest to Users of this Site. Again, only aggregate information will be provided to these parties other than in the specific instances referred to above. Only at your request, PAM Insight may transfer your information to Managers where your information is processed outside of the European Economic Area ("EEA") if, for example, a Manager you select has an operating or head office situated outside of the EEA.

Your opt-out right

To the extent possible, PAM Insight offers you the ability to avoid the collection of your personal data by "opting-out." In particular, this Site permits you determine for what purposes you wish to have personal data collected and/or distributed to third-parties. By not answering optional questions, checking the appropriate box when notified, or by contacting PAM Insight directly, a User, for instance, can opt out of having their personal information used by PAM Insight to send you relevant marketing communications. You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that PAM Insight holds about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please send an email to PAM Insight may make a small administrative charge for this service.

Correcting, updating and removing your personal information

At any time, you may contact PAM Insight to correct and/or update personal information. You may edit your account information at any time through your logon preferences. Upon request, PAM Insight will also remove your personal information from its database, thereby cancelling your registration with PAM Insight. In the event that PAM Insight receives such a request, PAM Insight may require you to confirm, or verify any change to your personal account, for security purposes.

Collection of personal information from children

This Site is not primarily intended for individuals under the age of eighteen ("children"). Accordingly, PAM Insight will not knowingly collect or post information from children without parental or guardian consent.

Moreover, PAM Insight will not knowingly use any personal data collected from children for any purpose whatsoever, including disclosure to any third-party, except as required by law. In the event PAM Insight discovers the submission of personal data from children to this Site, PAM Insight will make a reasonable effort to notify the parent or guardian of the child's submission and provide instructions on how the parent can delete the submitted data.

What else should I know about my privacy?

While PAM Insight has made every endeavour to create a secure and reliable Site for your use, PAM cannot ensure or warrant the security or confidentiality of any information you transmit to/from this Site. When disclosing any personal information, all Users should remain mindful of the fact that it is potentially accessible to the public, and consequently, can be collected and used by others without User consent.

All Users must remember that they use the Internet and this Site solely at their own risk and are ultimately responsible for maintaining the security of their own personal information. PAM Insight has no responsibility or liability for the security of personal information transmitted via the Internet.

Moreover, to the extent hyperlinks are utilised to access third-party sites, Users should be aware that these third-party web sites are not controlled by PAM Insight and therefore, are not subject to this Privacy Policy. Users should check the privacy policies of these individual sites to see how their personal information will be utilised, as PAM Insight is not responsible for the separate policies or practices of third-party Internet web sites.

PAM Insight urges all of its Users to be careful and responsible whenever they are on-line.

PAM Insight reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. Your continued use of this Site following notice of any such modifications will be conclusively deemed acceptance of any changes to this Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

For more private communication or if you have further questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy or the use of your personal data, please email us at, or write to us at PAM Insight at Birchin Court, City of London, EC3V 9DU, United Kingdom.